Spending some quality time with an old pocket watch

Maybe the antique pocket watch that lives on one of our bookshelves could help me.… We’d gotten the pocket watch years ago, at an antiques fair or market or maybe even a garage sale. That’s one of the things about living in Paris: centuries-old objects turn up in the most unexpected places. It’s just as easy to walk out your door on a weekend and come back with groceries as it is to find, say, an old photograph or set of silverware or even an antique sword. I thought that the pocket watch might be just the thing for illustrating the announcement about my first Kindle Countdown Deal. Although the pocket watch on our shelf probably doesn’t date to 1870, the time when most of Hearts at Dawn takes place, a watch very much like it could easily have been owned and by many of the characters and passersby in the book. I began to take photos of the watch, which I placed on one of my favorite scarves, a black one studded with gold stars. I’ve always found this w...